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Introduction Transforming care Investing in our people Accelerating possibilities Protecting the environment Creating value responsibly Appendix Keeping people healthy and safe Boston Scientific closely monitors and manages employee Investing in global occupational health health and safety at all offices and facilities in accordance with the Boston Scientific Environment, Health & Safety Policy. In 2022, we appointed a global occupational health manager to We measure occupational health and safety for our employees connect our global network of occupational health nurses and ensure through Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) targets that are that our health, wellness and education resources meet the needs reviewed monthly by our Employee Health and Safety (EHS) of our workforce now and into the future. Our continued focus on Operations Council. In 2022, we recorded our best performance occupational health was once again recognized by the American to date with a TRIR of 0.28, down from 0.4 in 2021. We are on Board for Occupational Health Nurses, who named Boston Scientific track to meet our 2030 goal of 0.25 TRIR per 100 employees. their 2022 employer of the year. Our teams achieved these results through deeper incident In Ireland, where we have more than 6,000 employees, analysis, more employee engagement with occupational health Boston Scientific in Cork achieved the KeepWell Mark from IBEC, nurses and a new safety performance recognition program. the nation’s largest business and human resources organization. The company also doubled the number of manufacturing The accreditation is based on key areas of workplace well-being and distribution sites — from four sites to eight — that meet such as leadership, mental health, absence management, nutrition International Organization for Standardization (ISO) requirements and physical activity. Our team in Galway, Ireland was reaccredited for ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety certifications. for this distinction and received a recognition award for its occupational health practices. “ We keep our employees healthy and safe by promoting health and wellness programs, and by protecting them from work-related injuries and environmental hazards. If employees are sick or injured, we work closely Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) with them while they heal to ensure their safe return to work. As a nurse with more than 25 years of experience, I am passionate about my work.” 2022: 2030 goal: Darlene Patterson 0.28 TRIR 0.25 TRIR global manager, (0.28 injuries per 100 employees) (0.25 injuries per 100 employees) Occupational Health 30 2022 Performance Report

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