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Introduction Transforming care Investing in our people Accelerating possibilities Protecting the environment Creating value responsibly Appendix Materiality Our ESG materiality matrix We can better focus our efforts to reduce risk and drive Innovation for patient needs positive impact when we fully understand the environmental, Patient outcomes social and governance (ESG) topics most important to our itical cr stakeholders and our business. In 2021, we engaged with Product quality and customer health and safety Diversity, equity and an independent third-party consulting firm to update our inclusion/anti-racism materiality1 assessment. The work to examine our priority topics involved in-depth interviews, peer benchmarking, and guidance Health equity and access Supply chain Greenhouse gas from internationally recognized sustainability frameworks and s management emissions/energy standards. After consulting with internal subject matter experts Employee well-being, on the topics identified by the assessment, the Boston Scientific engagement and safety Product stewardship Corporate governance Climate risk management ESG Steering Committee, Executive Committee and Board of eholder Directors reviewed the findings. Human capital attraction Transparency ak and development Informed by our materiality assessment and our values, t o s Corporate philanthropy, community Compliance we prioritized 15 material topics that would have the greatest outreach and volunteerism Data security impact and are continuing to integrate these findings into our ESG strategy. We will continue to regularly monitor and ance t Other air and water emissions Human rights assess progress to ensure we remain focused on the issues t Anti-corruption and of greatest importance to our stakeholders. Customer relationship anti-competitive behavior por management Labor and compensation Im Risk and crisis management Ethics in research and development/animal testing Biodiversity Public policy and lobbying high critical Impact on economy, environment and society 1 Throughout this report, we use the Global Reporting Initiative Standards definition of Key materiality in order to identify and prioritize ESG topics for the company. This standard is different from the definition and concept of materiality within the securities laws that Material1 we use to assess, among other things, required disclosure in Securities and Exchange Important Commission filings. ESG topics identified as “material” for purposes of this report may not be considered material to the Company as a whole, including for SEC reporting purposes. 57 2022 Performance Report

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