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Introduction Transforming care Investing in our people Accelerating possibilities Protecting the environment Creating value responsibly Appendix Joining forces for science and patients with using our devices, then uses clinical outcomes and real-world Our patient-centered focus calls for constant collaboration. data to demonstrate the value of our products. They share this We work with academic institutions and other private and evidence with health care payers and providers, advocating for public organizations around the world to pursue emerging payer policies that improve market access for patients. technologies and improve patient treatments and outcomes. Our HEMA team published 12 peer-reviewed health economics In 2022, as a result of our collaboration with IBM Research, manuscripts and 27 peer-reviewed abstracts to contribute we presented data from two innovative, multi-site clinical to the global evidence base for payers and other purchasing studies on the individual experience of chronic pain, which decision-makers. In addition, our HEMA specialists accomplished applied artificial intelligence and other analytic techniques the following: on biomarkers and data collected through daily questionnaires, • Access in Japan. Received reimbursement approval smartwatches and physician feedback. By having access to from Japan's Central Social Insurance Medical Counsel actionable insights, physicians are enabled to intervene with for Rezūm™ Water Vapor Therapy, a minimally invasive more personalized treatment options for patients living with treatment that aims to improve quality of life for patients chronic pain. with benign prostatic hyperplasia, providing access to the We are a lead partner in the Israel-based MEDX Xelerator country's aging population. that targets vascular care innovations as well as in the Mayo • Access in Saudi Arabia. Secured funding for The Rezūm™ Clinic Motion Medical accelerator, which focuses on minimally system through the first-ever MedTech industry health invasive treatment for conditions that impede quality and technology assessment in Saudi Arabia, potentially facilitating longevity of life. Boston Scientific is also a founding sponsor access for up to 3,500 additional patients. of the gBETA MedTech Accelerator for early-stage medical, biotech and diagnostic companies. Our product experts • Access in the U.S. Utilized data from the IMPERIAL randomized participated as mentors for gBETA’s fall 2022 Black Founders controlled trial to complete a cost-effectiveness analysis program, which offered innovation grants and professional showing that Eluvia™ Drug-Eluting Vascular Stent System is development opportunities to finalists. more effective and less costly for peripheral artery disease (PAD) treatment from a Medicare perspective than other treatments Addressing health economics to improve for PAD. patient access • Access in India. Negotiated coverage of peripheral intervention If a health care provider believes their patient will benefit from technologies to treat peripheral vascular disease under India’s a device or procedure, we want it to be accessible so the patient national public health insurance fund, which provides health receives the care they need. Our Health Economics and Market care access to the country’s most vulnerable families. Access (HEMA) team studies the economic factors associated 17 2022 Performance Report

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