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Introduction Transforming care Investing in our people Accelerating possibilities Protecting the environment Creating value responsibly Appendix Our ESG strategy and priorities Just as we believe in advancing science to change lives, we know A message from Meghan Scanlon, our work in health care comes with a responsibility to create senior vice president and president, positive change in the world around us. This commitment requires Urology and chair, ESG Executive environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices that reflect Steering Committee our values and make a difference in measurable ways. The Boston Scientific approach to ESG is aligned with the This report details our most recent ESG advances and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and conveys our employees' deep commitment to these efforts. we prioritize material topics that enable us to have the greatest Our results demonstrate how ESG is embedded in our impact in the 130 countries where we operate. mindset, firmly rooted in our values and a critical driver of The employees of Boston Scientific are the collective force behind our business success. our commitment to advance ESG and deliver meaningful results. Caring for human life has always been the common bond This includes subject matter experts and key advisors from across that connects our mission, business strategy and ESG the business who work closely with our ESG team to determine priorities. We committed to the principles of ESG because how we measure and share progress. The vice president of it was the right thing to do, setting environmental targets ESG leads our global ESG vision and strategy and reports to the nearly 15 years ago and establishing diversity as a core chair of the ESG Executive Steering Committee, composed of value with aspirational goals early on. Today, we have nine Executive Committee members. The vice president of ESG an executive ESG governance structure and a global vice regularly updates our Board of Directors and its Nominating president of ESG who leads our efforts as we continually aim and Governance Committee, which oversee the company’s higher. Our focus on this work is shared by our stakeholders, ESG initiatives. including customers, and we hold ourselves accountable to them by publicly reporting progress toward our objectives. I look forward to working together to accelerate our advances in 2023 and beyond. 8 2022 Performance Report

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